Contact GoldSilver: We are Here to Help
Monday through Friday, 9 AM to 6PM Eastern to address your queries.

USA and Canada
(888) 319-8166

(310) 566-6655
Drop Us a Detailed Message
Office Address
485 Lexington Avenue, Suite 304 New York, NY 10017
Office Address
485 Lexington Avenue, Suite 304 New York, NY 10017
Note: Do not send payments on this address
Mailing Checks
To make a payment via check on an order or account, please ensure the check is made out to ‘GoldSilver, LLC‘ and note your order number, account ID, or invoice number in the memo field
If sent by postal service (USPS):
P.O. Box 7411048
Chicago, IL 60674-0123
If sent by postal service (USPS):
Bank of America Lockbox Services GoldSilver LBX 11048 540 W. Madison, 4th Floor Chicago, IL 60661
Note: For checks over $10,000, we require a response with a color copy of your government-issues photo ID via email to combat check fraud