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Gold Breaks $2,700: A New Era Begins

Brandon S., Editor 
OCT 19, 2024

Gold has shattered the $2,700 per ounce barrier, setting a new all-time high. In recent weeks, we've explored the perfect storm driving this gold surge:

  • Accelerating interest rate drops across Western nations and China
  • Emerging market central banks embarking on a gold-buying spree
  • Investors seeking safe havens amidst global uncertainties 

However, gold isn't the only asset reaching for the stars. However, gold isn't alone in its ascent. Stocks are touching record highs, cryptocurrencies markets showing renewed vigor, and as we'll see, many sectors of consumer spending defying expectations.

In this era of seemingly across-the-board growth, a crucial question emerges: Is gold's rally a sustainable trend, or merely a mirage in a landscape of inflated assets? 

U.S. Retail Sales Defy Expectations in September 


U.S. retail sales rose 0.4% in September, surpassing the projected 0.3% increase. This growth was primarily driven by spending in restaurants, clothing stores, and online purchases. However, the retail landscape showed mixed results, with electronics and appliance stores facing a 3.3% drop in sales, and furniture outlets experiencing a 1.4% decrease. 

The overall spending increase contradicts low consumer sentiment and corporate observations of pre-election spending caution. While stocks are trading higher in response, the disconnect between consumer spending and sentiment raises questions about market valuations. 

Inflation: The Sleeping Giant

Recent retail sales data shows consumer spending remains robust. While this has led some to believe economic issues are resolved, the underlying factors that fueled inflation may still be lurking beneath the surface. 


Despite inflation in many developed countries approaching central banks' 2% targets, experts caution against premature celebration. The 1970s U.S. inflation resurgence shows that price pressures can unexpectedly return after periods of apparent stability. Several factors could potentially reignite inflation: 

  • Monetary policy shifts: Central banks might prematurely ease their stance, risking a resurgence in price pressures.
  • Political pressures: Governments facing elections may push for growth-boosting policies that could stoke inflation.
  • External shocks: Geopolitical events or supply chain disruptions could rapidly alter the inflation landscape.

A minor shift in any one of these scenarios could reignite inflation again.  

Moreover, the current "lowflation" environment (inflation rates between 2% and 5%) has historically been challenging to escape. Since 1970, only 25% of advanced economies experiencing lowflation have successfully reduced inflation below 2% within five years..

Gold and Silver: Time-Tested Hedges Against Uncertainty 

The 1970s serve as a powerful reminder of precious metals' potential during inflationary periods. Gold's meteoric rise from $34.75/oz to $873/oz by January 21, 1980, represents a staggering 25-fold increase. Silver's performance was even more remarkable, with a $100 investment at the start of 1970 yielding over $4,000 by decade's end. 

While such dramatic gains may be unlikely to repeat, history consistently shows that gold and silver remain among the most effective havens against inflation and economic uncertainty. As gold recently surpassed $2,719/oz as of Friday afternoon, reaching new all-time highs, prudent investors might consider increasing their precious metal holdings. 

In an era of persistent inflation concerns and global economic volatility, diversifying your portfolio with tangible assets like gold and silver could prove to be a wise strategy for long-term financial security.  

At, we're here to help you navigate the world of precious metals investing, offering expert guidance and a wide range of products to suit your individual needs. 


Brandon S.  