Michael Maloney is host of the smash-hit video series Hidden Secrets of Money, author of the bestselling precious metals book Guide to Investing in Gold and Silver, and founder of GoldSilver.com, one of the world's most highly regarded investment education companies and a global leader in gold and silver sales. For more than a decade, he’s traveled the world sharing his relentless passion for economics and monetary history with audiences from Silicon Valley to Wall Street, from Hong Kong to Rome.
As he delved into financial markets, monetary history, and global economics, Mike discovered that the same economic cycles kept repeating over and over throughout history, from ancient times to modern day. "For 2,400 years as people have lost faith in fiat currencies, they have turned to @apos;real money,' gold and silver,@quot; Mike says. "Today the stage is set for a worldwide @apos;gold rush' to the safe haven of precious metals just when supplies of those metals are precariously low. The opportunity for those who position themselves accordingly, ahead of the crowd, is like none we will see again in our lifetimes."